Niespodzianka! Valve has unleashed a massive update to the Source SDK, generously gifting the community with the complete Team Fortress 2 client and server game code. Ten bezprecedensowy ruch umożliwia graczom wykonanie zupełnie nowych gier na podstawie kodu źródłowego TF2. Unlike limitations imposed by Steam Workshop or local mods, this update grants modders unfettered access to modify, expand, and even completely rewrite Team Fortress 2.
While commercialization is prohibited—meaning any derived mods or games must be freely distributed on a non-commercial basis—creations can be published on the Steam Store, appearing as independent entries within the Steam game library.
In a blog post, Valve acknowledged the significant community investment in TF2 inventories and Steam Workshop contributions, stating, "The majority of items in the game now are thanks to the hard work of the TF2 community. To respect that, we're asking TF2 mod makers continue to respect that connection, and to not make mods that have the purpose of trying to profit off Workshop contributors' efforts. We're hoping that many mods will continue to allow players access their TF2 Inwentaryzacja, jeśli ma to sens dla modu. ”
Ta ekspansywna aktualizacja nie ogranicza się do TF2. Valve is also rolling out a major update across its back-catalog of multiplayer Source engine titles, introducing 64-bit binary support, scalable HUD/UI, prediction fixes, and numerous other enhancements to Team Fortress 2, DoD:S, HL2:DM, CS:S, and HLDM:S.
Po siedmiu latach oczekiwania w grudniu wydano siódmy i ostatni rozdział komiksu Team Fortress 2. These comics have served not only as a rich source of lore and character development for fans, but also as a testament to Valve's enduring commitment to one of its flagship franchises.