Experience the ultimate luxury shopping with SIVILLAGE, Shinsegae International's official online shopping app. Boasting over 60 meticulously curated global fashion and beauty brands, SIVILLAGE guarantees authentic products exclusive to its platform. Discover the best of both worlds – domestic and international brands – from trending fashion to high-end beauty, all conveniently accessible on your mobile device. As an integrated membership platform, effortlessly track purchases, earn rewards points, and access exclusive online and offline coupons and benefits.
Features of SIVILLAGE:
- Luxury Brand Selection: SIVILLAGE showcases a curated collection of luxury brands handpicked by Shinsegae International, ensuring an unparalleled shopping experience.
- Exclusive Offers and Benefits: Enjoy an integrated online and offline membership, conveniently managing purchase information and earning rewards points. Benefit from special offers, coupons, and unique perks from participating brands and beauty clubs.
- Extensive Product Range: Explore a diverse selection of products from over 60 global fashion and beauty brands. Access detailed product information for fashion, beauty, and lifestyle brands.
- Convenient Purchase History: Easily search and track your online and offline purchase history, simplifying the process of finding past purchases and favorite items.
- Store Locator: Locate Shinsegae International's brand stores offline with our convenient store locator.
- Exceptional Customer Support: SIVILLAGE provides responsive 24/7 customer support to address any inquiries or concerns. Stay informed about the latest events, announcements, and promotions through in-app notifications.
Unlock a world of luxury with the SIVILLAGE app. Discover expertly selected luxury brands from Shinsegae International, offering an extensive range of fashion and beauty products. Enjoy exclusive offers, benefits, and coupons through our integrated membership program, and conveniently track your purchase history. Utilize our store locator and receive exceptional customer support. Stay updated with the latest news and promotions. Download now for the ultimate luxury shopping experience.