How to Use Cheats in Balatro (Debug Menu Guide)

Author: Aaliyah Mar 18,2025

Balatro, the breakout hit of early 2024, captivated gamers worldwide, selling over 3.5 million copies and earning three prestigious awards at the 2024 Game Awards. Its innovative gameplay and endless replayability ensure its continued popularity. However, even seasoned players might seek ways to refresh their experience.

While mods offer one solution, many prefer utilizing Balatro's built-in developer debug menu. Accessing this menu requires a few simple steps, offering a cheat-enabled experience that preserves achievements—a boon for players who want to experiment without sacrificing progress.

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How to Enable Cheats in Balatro

Step 1To unlock Balatro's debug menu and access its cheats, you'll need 7-Zip, a free, open-source archiving tool. Navigate to your Balatro installation directory—typically `C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\Balatro`. If you can't find it there, locate Balatro in your Steam library, right-click, select "Manage," then "Browse Local Files." Step 2Right-click `Balatro.exe` and open the archive using 7-Zip (you might find this option under "Show More Options"). Locate the `conf.lua` file and open it with a simple text editor like Notepad. Step 3Change `_RELEASE_MODE = true` to `_RELEASE_MODE = false`, then save the file. If saving proves difficult, extract `conf.lua` to your desktop, make the change, and replace the original file. Once done, press and hold the Tab key in-game to open the debug menu.

To disable the debug menu, simply revert the `_RELEASE_MODE` parameter in `conf.lua` back to `true`.

How to Use the Debug Menu in Balatro

Debug MenuBalatro's cheat menu is user-friendly. Unlock collectibles by hovering over them and pressing '1'. Add jokers to your game by hovering and pressing '3'. While initially limited to five jokers, pressing 'Q' four times on a joker in your hand transforms it into a negative, effectively allowing for unlimited jokers.

All Balatro Cheats (Hold Tab to Open Menu)

Cheat / KeyEffect
1Unlock a Collectible (while hovering over it in the collection)
2Discover a Collectible (while hovering over it in the collection)
3Spawn a Collectible (while hovering over it in the collection)
QChange Joker Edition (while hovering over it in hand)
HIsolate Background
JPlay Splash Animation
8Toggle Cursor
9Toggle All Tooltips
$10Adds $10 to Total
+1 RoundIncreases the Round by 1
+1 AnteIncreases the Ante by 1
+1 HandAdds one additional Hand
+1 DiscardAdds one additional Discard
Boss RerollRerolls the Boss
BackgroundRemoves the Background
+10 ChipsAdds 10 Chips to Total
+10 MultAdds 10 Mult to Total
X2 ChipsDoubles Chip Total
X10 MultIncreases the Mult by 10
Win this RunCompletes the Current Run
Lose this RunEnds the Current Run
ResetResets the Current Run
JimboMakes Jimbo Appear
Jimbo TalkMakes a Text Box Appear by Jimbo