Confronting Ebony Odogaron, the swift guardian of the Ruins of Wyveria in *Monster Hunter Wilds*, requires strategic planning. This incredibly fast creature presents a significant challenge, demanding careful consideration of its weaknesses and behaviors.
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Known Habitats: Ruins of Wyveria
Breakable Parts: Head, Tail, Legs
Recommended Elemental Attack: Water
Effective Status Effects: Poison (2x), Sleep (2x), Paralysis (3x), Blastblight (2x), Stun (2x), Exhaust (-)
Effective Items: Pitfall Trap, Shock Trap, Flash Pod
Stunning the Beast
Ebony Odogaron's speed is its most frustrating trait. Utilize environmental advantages to your benefit. Nearby Flashflies can be triggered for a stun, or craft Flash Pods for a more reliable method of immobilization.
Teamwork Makes the Dream Work
Soloing Ebony Odogaron is significantly harder. Send out SOS flares to summon fellow hunters for assistance. If no players answer your call, NPCs can serve as valuable distractions, buying you crucial time to dodge and recover.
Environmental Hazards to Your Advantage
In certain areas, Entangled Rocks hang precariously above. Using your slinger to bring them down stuns the monster, though this tactic is only effective once per fight. Combine this with Pitfall and Shock Traps for additional immobilization opportunities.
Beware the Dragonblight
Ebony Odogaron inflicts Dragonblight, hindering your ability to apply elemental or status effects. Carry Nulberries to cure this ailment, or equip decorations with Level 3 Dragon Resistance or Blight Resistance for proactive defense.
Paralysis: Your Best Friend
Prioritize inflicting Paralysis. This status effect significantly restricts Ebony Odogaron's movement, creating windows for substantial damage. Ideally, paralyze it while it's near roots for an added entanglement effect.
Target the Head (But Be Careful!)
Ebony Odogaron's head is its primary weak point (3-star weakness), maximizing damage output. However, this positioning makes you a prime target. Its forelegs and tail offer safer, albeit less damaging, alternatives, providing a chance to break limbs.
Related: Monster Hunter Wilds Weapon Tier List (Best Weapons to Use)
Capturing Ebony Odogaron
Capture Ebony Odogaron by using a Pitfall or Shock Trap once its health drops below 20%. Attempting capture at higher health will result in the monster breaking free.

*Monster Hunter Wilds is available now on PlayStation, Xbox, and PC.*