Kingdom Come 2: Optimal Perks Early On

Author: Brooklyn Feb 25,2025

Mastering Kingdom Come: Deliverance 2's perk system is key to a successful playthrough. While character builds are flexible, some perks offer significant advantages regardless of your chosen playstyle. This guide highlights the best perks to acquire early on.

Kingdom Come: Deliverance 2 Perk Guide

Disclaimer: Kingdom Come: Deliverance 2 allows for diverse character builds. Whether you prefer a brute-force knight or a silver-tongued diplomat, many approaches are viable. However, certain perks provide broad benefits.

Essential Early Perks

Main Level:

  • Opportunist: Reduces reputation loss by 10%.
  • Charming Man: Increases reputation gain by 10%. Maintaining a strong reputation is crucial, especially on a first playthrough. Prioritize these two perks.
  • Martin's Heritage/Radzig's Heritage: Choose based on preferred skill specialization. Martin's boosts Sword Fighting, Crafting, and Survival; Radzig's enhances Heavy Weapons, Shooting, and Scholarship.
  • Good Natural: +2 to Persuasion, Impression, and Presence, facilitating easier dialogue choices.
  • Blood of Siegfried: Provides a consistent +10 armor boost.
  • Heroic Vigour: Each Vitality level grants an extra Stamina point (retroactive).


  • Hard-Working Lad: Halves the weight of sacks and unconscious bodies, increasing carrying capacity by 8 pounds.
  • Pack Mule/Strong as a Bull: Further increases carrying capacity (12 and 20 pounds respectively). Essential for carrying looted items.
  • Heracles: Increases Charisma by 1 for every 5 Strength levels, beneficial even for stealth builds.


  • Creeping Phantom: 15% faster movement while sneaking.
  • Finesse/Viper: Increases slashing/piercing damage by 5% respectively. Select based on your weapon preference.


  • Ascetic: Slows nourishment depletion by 30%.
  • Well-Dressed: Slows dirt accumulation by 20%. These perks improve the overall gameplay experience by reducing tedious chores.
  • Marathon Runner: Reduces Stamina consumption while sprinting by 20%.
  • Diehard: Prevents death from fatal wounds, restoring 25% health (with a cooldown).


  • Hustler: Facilitates selling stolen goods, providing Stealth and Thievery experience.
  • Jack of All Trades: +2 to skill checks and double experience from them.
  • Partner in Crime: Allows selling stolen goods undetected. Speech perks are exceptionally powerful, boosting negotiation and enabling non-violent solutions.

These perks provide significant advantages early in the game, regardless of your specific build. For more in-depth guides and strategies, consult resources like The Escapist.