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Marnie is a beloved character in Stardew Valley, known for her passion for animals and her secretive relationship with Mayor Lewis. Despite her occasional absences from her shop's register, her warm and gentle nature makes her a favorite among players. Befriending Marnie early in the game can be highly beneficial, as she offers valuable resources like recipes and free hay. Additionally, players can embark on amusing quests like retrieving Lewis's purple shorts from her bedroom. Whether you're aiming to deepen your connection with her or simply explore her character, this guide will help you strengthen your friendship with Marnie in Stardew Valley.
Updated January 4, 2025, by Demaris Oxman: Stardew Valley's enduring appeal is largely due to its rich cast of characters, with Marnie being a standout as the local rancher. Her kindness and utility make her an essential ally, especially for newcomers. As you settle into Pelican Town, gifts are a fantastic way to build relationships with its residents. Understanding what Marnie likes, and where to find those items, is crucial. With the recent 1.6 update now available on all platforms, this guide has been refreshed to reflect the latest on Marnie's preferences.
What Gifts Does Marnie Like?
To win over Marnie, gifts are your best tool. However, not all gifts are equal in her eyes. Some will boost your friendship significantly, while others might offend her. Remember, any gift given on her birthday, Fall 18th, will earn you 8x the usual friendship points. Here’s a breakdown of what Marnie loves and likes.
Loved Gifts
These gifts are perfect for Marnie and will earn you 80 friendship points. Save them for special occasions, especially her birthday:
- Universal Loves:
Prismatic Shard,
Magic Rock Candy,
Golden Pumpkin,
Rabbit's Foot,
Stardrop Tea
- The Golden Pumpkin is easily obtained by completing the maze at the Spirit's Eve festival each year.
- A Rabbit's Foot can drop from happy rabbits kept in your coop.
- Pearls can be found by correctly playing the Mermaid's song at the Night Market or in a Fish Pond with Blobfish.
- Prismatic Shards, the rarest gem, can be obtained in various ways; click here for a complete guide.
- Magic Rock Candy is available from the Desert Trader every Thursday for three Prismatic Shards, though it may not be the best use of these rare gems.
- Stardrop Tea boosts friendship by a full heart and can be obtained from the Prize Machine, high-level Raccoon quests, Golden Fishing Chests, or as a reward for the Helper's Bundle at the Community Center.
Diamond, often found in the lower levels of the Mines.
- Cooked meals:
Pink Cake, made with Wheat Flour, Egg, Sugar, and Melon. Recipe obtained from the Queen of Sauce on 21 Summer, Year 2.
Pumpkin Pie, made with Pumpkin, Wheat Flour, Milk, and Sugar. Recipe learned from the Queen of Sauce on 21 Winter, Year 1.
Farmer's Lunch, made with Omelet and Parsnip. Recipe obtained at Farming Level 3.
Liked Gifts
These gifts will earn you 45 friendship points, and there's a wider variety available:
Egg, except Void Egg. Collect these from chickens in the Coop.
Milk, from cows and goats in the Barn.
Quartz, often found in the Mines.
- Flowers, except Poppy. Crocuses and Sweet Peas are good options, as they can be foraged in Winter and Summer respectively.
- Fruit Tree Fruits:
Cherry. These can be grown from Saplings bought at Pierre's store.
- Artisan Goods, except Oil and Void Mayonnaise. Items like
Pickles, and
Honey are great choices.
- Other gemstones not listed above (e.g., Ruby, Emerald, Topaz), found in the Mines.
- Stardew Valley Almanac, a Farming skill book. It can be obtained in various ways, but the most reliable method is purchasing it from the Bookseller.
Disliked & Hated Gifts
Avoid giving Marnie any of these items, as they will decrease your friendship:
- Salmonberry
- Seaweed
- Wild Horseradish
- Holly
- Crafting materials such as clay, coal, and ores
- Raw fish
- Crafted items, including fences, bombs, sprinklers, floors, bait, fertilizers, etc.
- Geodes and geode minerals
Movie Theater Preferences
Once the movie theater is operational, inviting Marnie to a movie can boost your friendship by up to 250 points. Marnie enjoys all movies to some degree, but here are her preferences:
- Loved Films (200 points): The Miracle at Coldstar Ranch, shown during Winter in odd-numbered years.
- Liked Films (100 points): All other films.
- Disliked Films (0 points): None.
- Loved Concessions (50 points): Ice Cream Sandwich, Stardrop Sorbet
- Liked Concessions (25 points): All other concessions not listed below.
- Disliked Concessions (0 points): Black Licorice, Fries, JojaCola, JojaCorn, Nachos, Salted Peanuts, Truffle Popcorn
Marnie may occasionally post a Help Wanted quest on Pierre's bulletin board, rewarding 150 friendship points upon completion. Here are specific quests from Marnie:
Cow's Delight
On the 3rd of Fall, Marnie sends a letter requesting a bunch of Amaranth for her cows. Bringing it to her rewards you with 500g and a one-heart increase in friendship. Amaranth Seeds can be bought at Pierre's shop for 35g and take 7 days to mature, harvested with a scythe.
Marnie's Request
At three hearts, Marnie asks for a Cave Carrot to train her goats. Completing this quest earns you 100 friendship points and a fun cutscene. Cave Carrots can be found by digging in the dirt in the Mines with a Hoe.
Friendship Perks
Befriending Marnie comes with several perks, including valuable recipes sent at certain friendship levels:
Pale Broth: Sent at three hearts. This recipe is profitable and restores 125 Energy and 56 Health, using just 2 White Algae.
Rhubarb Pie: Sent at seven hearts. It's profitable and loved by several villagers, restoring 215 Energy and 96 Health. Made with Rhubarb, Wheat Flour, and Sugar.
Additionally, Marnie may send you 30 Hay in the mail, which is particularly useful in the winter of Year 1 when feeding animals can be challenging.